Adventures in Innovation, BoostEDU, Instructional, PD, Technology

BoostEDU: SAMR Self-Assessment Overview

Earlier this month, I publicly released my Google Innovator Project: BoostEDU.  BoostEDU is a program that supports teachers in transforming their traditional lessons through an inquiry-based self-assessment and guided lesson design process.  (Interested in learning more?  Watch this video.)  It’s been a lot of work but it has been very exciting to hear feedback from teachers that have started using these tools to support their lesson design.

In this blog post, I wanted to spend some time talking about the two self-assessments that are currently available on BoostEDU: the Basic and In-Depth SAMR Self-Assessments.  In the future, I plan on expanding the self-assessments to include 4 C’s, ISTE Standards, and TPACK but SAMR was an excellent starting point for this project.  Here is some information on the two self-assessments:

The Basic SAMR Self-Assessment

The Basic SAMR Self-Assessment is a short self-assessment that provides educators with the depth of SAMR within their overall classroom.  Here are some key features:

  • Short self-assessment that includes 7 questions.
  • Focuses on the classroom as a whole, rather than a specific lesson.
  • Results are immediately delivered within the screen.

The In-Depth SAMR Self-Assessment

The In-Depth SAMR Self-Assessment is used to analyze the depth of SAMR in specific areas of a lesson.  Here are some key features:

  • Focuses on a specific lesson, activity, or project.
  • Results are immediately delivered to the user’s email in an editable Google Doc.
  • Offers suggestions, tech tools, and next steps for lesson planning.

Are you interested in seeing these self-assessments in action?  Watch the video below!

Ready to try it out for yourself?  Go to to start!

Have you used the BoostEDU Self-Assessments?  If so, I would love to hear your thoughts below! 🙂

5 thoughts on “BoostEDU: SAMR Self-Assessment Overview

  1. Hi Meagan! This is a great tool! I’m wondering if you have put any thought into expanding its possibilities to reach younger students? I know you teach high school and this tool would defiantly be benificial to middle and high school teachers. I can see many elementary teachers benefiting as well, but I got a lower score than I would have anticipated because of the note taking, reading, and writing questions. Which don’t exactly apply to elementary teachers the same way as middle and high school. Thoughts?

  2. Hi, I’m trying to find the basic SAMR self-evaluation and can’t find it. Having watched the video the basic version looked great and would help all teachers in my school to undertake a self-evaluation on SAMR and then have some next steps they could use to improve their practice. Can you advise where I can locate this version.

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